Gobierno General
Revista la cruz. marzo-abril 2024
Muy buenos días, les compartimos el enlace digital para disfrutar la Revista La Cruz. Un excelente medio de formación y...
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Familia de la Cruz
Camino a la Beatificación de nuestro Hermano Moisés Lira
El pasado 25 de febrero, el Consejo General de nuestras hermanas Misioneras de la Caridad de María Inmaculada y los...
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Gobierno General
Postulants walk the Mission Trail
On Monday, February 12, a day of rest in the Postulancy, we took the opportunity to walk the "Mission Trail"...
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Provincia Cristo Sacerdote
Masquerade Gala Planning Begins
On Monday, February 12, we officially kicked off the planning for the San Antonio annual Gala fundraiser in favor of...
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Provincia Cristo Sacerdote
100 Anniversary of the Oblates of Jesus the Priest
On February 11, our beloved sisters, the Oblates of Jesus the Priest celebrated the centennial anniversary of their foundation. They...
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