On March 2, more than 220 women gathered at St. Matthew Parish to pray, to allow the Holy Spirit do his work of sanctification, to learn more about Blessed Concepcion Cabrera, and to grow in their love of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The theme of the retreat was “Transformation Through the Cross and the Eucharist” and was led by Catholic author and speaker Kathleen Beckman, who recently published a book about Bl. Concepción Cabrera titled “Beautiful Holiness: A Spiritual Journey With Blessed Conchita to the Heart of Jesus.”
The retreatants learned more about Blessed Concepcion Cabrera, we’re able to spend some time in adoration. Four priests were available to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The retreat was in English, and simultaneous translation to Spanish benefited 60 Spanish speaking women we also participated in the retreat.